YouTube Premium Free The Shawshank Redemption
director: Frank Darabont
Audience score: 2230242 votes
Year: 1994
Genre: Drama
tomatometers: 9,3 / 10
So Morgan is finally a Freeman Lol. Strange how Stephen King is mostly known for horror, but yet my favorite story by him isn't even horror. NOT winning an Oscar is the highest compliment a movie can get. So many winners sucked balls. I still say that they should have had those men who were dead be men who were alive and we're just traitorous to Gondor. it kind of takes away from the movie to have them be ghosts. everything would have been the same it just that they would have been alive and came to help from the south. in addition their numbers would have helped outside the Gate of Mordor. I just thought it was cutting Corners to have them be ghost, and then outside the Gate of Mordor to have the entire Army of Sauron just disappear and go into the ground when the ring was destroyed. It should have just been one big battle.
What a beautiful thing to watch and listen too. Tears came to my eyes. The Shawshank Redemption is a Great movie. I saw it many times. This is so accurate to the movie 😂. Watched this in the theaters when it came out. Line was literally to the outside door. Lucky we were the first ones. An epic day. @ 4:13 Big O smile on my face.
There is nobody who hates the shawshank redemption. that can only be said about very few films. There is a town in mexico named crap. I totally, loved the film, especially Andys struggle against the brutal system, and the way he ultimately prevails. We have a winner. 1:45 best part ever. How pathetic; the way the ring was destroyed. Excellent writing throughout the whole movie. This reminds me how I got a job. Not after breakfast, not after CSI, NOW.
This movie so great and enjoyable. It has a gripping story. Not regret watching.
Its literally my favorite movie. I can watch it over and over again. The acting is of course amazing. Ah I simply can't put in words how I feel about this movie. I LOVE IT! In my opinion its a must watch movie! I totally recommend it.
Oh Did I say that I LOVE IT!
Well. I LOVE IT.
Walmart. 1:57 Absolutely wet myself laughing at that part. 1st time - Sit 2nd time - Sit down 3rd time - Please sit down Does this mean anything. If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to sing a lullaby to the various people I work with/for, all told I'd have better than 470,000 of Warden Morton's money. I had the privilege of going to the 25th anniversary celebration of the release of the Shawshank Redemption at the Ohio Stare Refromatory in Mansfield, Ohio where a lot of the movie was filmed. After that, my wife and I decided to pull out our copy of the movie. I totally forgot how good this movie is. The movie is kind of a throwback to movies of the 40's. The music was nostalgic from that period. The screenplay was just incredible. The lines from the movie are almost poetic with almost every scene giving you dialogue you think about and contemplate. Then, we have the acting. The cast choices seem almost perfect. Morgan Freedman and Tim Robbins made the most of their parts and inhabited their respective roles. Tim Robbins as Andy makes the transformation from being a free man to con without any cliche. He loses his innocence, but not his hope. Morgan as Red in essence makes the opposite transformation from hardens con to someone who has hope in his future. Gil Bellows and William Sadler put in good performances as part of Andy and Red's "crew. The cinematography was wonderful showing prison in mostly greys and darkened shadows. The scenes where both Andy and Red are out of prison show the free world with all of it's wonderful light and color. I think the strange thing about this movie is that you need to seen it several times to find all of the subtlety that lies within it.
Morgan's spiruitual speech. I can't stop listening to him again and again
Master of all movies. best movie i have ever seen. best acting. best directed. So do i, never get tired of watching all parts of this amazing creation.
ItChapter Two